

Teaching recharged: the download centre gives  lecturers at Ruhr university the opportunity to get suggestions on all aspects of teaching.

ZFW Hochschuldidaktik

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

This lecture is aimed at non-economists, but in particular at law students with an interest in the economic analysis of law. It is offered every semester. The lecture is intended for the conventional areas of microeconomics and their application to legal issue...

Dr. rer. pol. Marc Scheufen

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

In this OCW course, the structure, design and sequence of the lecture Educational & Pedagogical Theories from SoSe16 are presented. The lecture is part of the Bildungswissenschaftliches Basismodul (BiWi) which is a compulsory module for students who want to...

Prof. Dr. Till Kössler