

Immerse yourself in the realm of pixels and creative programming using JavaScript and p5.js. Explore how art and technology converge within the computer and the potential implications for "post-internet art" and "new aesthetics."

Mace Ojala
Ein Hacker arbeitet am Laptop


The e-Hacking platform covers various areas of IT security. Hacker attacks can be realistically mapped on the platform. In this way, dealing with real attacks can be learned and theoretical knowledge can be deepened and tested.

Dr. Vladislav Mladenov und Dr. Christian Mainka

YouTube channel

Here you can watch free videos of a two-semester course in cryptography in English. The 24 lectures give a fairly comprehensive introduction to modern applied crypto.The videos are mostly self-contained, i.e., you should be able to follow most of the material without ad...

Prof. Dr. Christof Paar
Banner Erstikurs

self-study course in Moodle

This course is all about e-learning and online activities at the RUB!

Good to have you here! This Moodle course serves as your "digital" introduction to university life. We will show you how to find your way around at our university and which digital media you will be confronted with, so...

Projekt eTeam Digitalisierung für Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Thoughts, Laplacian Matrix


Here you can find the lecture notes "Laplacian Matrix for Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering" by Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott from the Institute of Neuroinformatics at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott
Notebook distorted


In this praxis oriented OER we will use synthesizers, recorders and specialized programming languages for sound (p5.sound, Pure Data) to explore and reproduce familiar sonic phenomena of the digital condition.

Mace Ojala


Explore creative programming in the web! This OER guides you through fundamental operations of computer programs in JavaScript within the browser's developer console.

Mace Ojala