

Teaching recharged: the download centre gives  lecturers at Ruhr university the opportunity to get suggestions on all aspects of teaching.

ZFW Hochschuldidaktik
maths 1

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

In this OCW course, the lecture Linear Algebra and Geometry I, held in WiSe 2016/2017, is presented in structure, construction and sequence. This lecture is one of the four basic lectures that are obligatory for all students of mathematics in their first year of study.

Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

In this OCW course the lecture Linear Algebra and Geometry II held in SoSe 2017 is presented in structure, construction and sequence. This lecture is one of the four basic lectures that are obligatory for all students of mathematics in their first year of study.

Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke