Laptop mit graphischer Darstellung


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to data literacy in the context of Learning Analytics (LA) for educators.

Tabea Schwarz
Laptop mit graphischer Darstellung


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to data literacy in the context of Learning Analytics (LA) for students.

Tabea Schwarz


The accompanying exercise to the basic course in German Medieval Studies offers an introduction to working with Middle High German texts. In addition to an insight into different genres, the course is about dealing with the Middle High German language and consolidating the understanding of it....

PD Dr. Michael Ott
Banner Erstikurs

self-study course in Moodle

This course is all about e-learning and online activities at the RUB!

Good to have you here! This Moodle course serves as your "digital" introduction to university life. We will show you how to find your way around at our university and which digital media you will be confronted with, so...

Projekt eTeam Digitalisierung für Ruhr-Universität Bochum
gezeichnetes Logo


This website aims to bring the movements of travelers into a virtual environment in order to open up German-Turkish-Ottoman history.

Philipp Goldt, Sebastian Döpp
Bild mit Laptop

course concept

The module eTutoring is a course in the optional area of the RUB. In the summer semester 2020, it was conducted online. The 3 accompanying colloquia of the module were particularly affected. In these, the eTutors were given smaller eLearning tasks. One meeting took place synchronously via Zoom. I...

Kathrin Braungardt
Drei Personen mit VR-Brillen

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

This course deals theoretically and practically with virtual reality applications in memorial sites, which are viewed more closely from the perspective of digital history, historical theory, historical game studies and the didactics of history.

Elena Lewers

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

This educational sciences seminar (area "Lehr-/Lernforschung") from WiSe 17/18 offered an understandable introduction to the theories of motivation and interest research. The seminar focused on the question of how motivation can be distinguished from interest.

Vanessa van den Bogaert