eine Stadt aus geometrischen Formen


Nowadays, it is practically impossible for media and cultural professionals not to come into contact with platforms. Whether as product platforms such as Spotify or Netflix or as AI-based production platforms such as Dall-E (for images) or ChatGPT (for text) - platforms are inscribing themselves...

Prof. Dr. Armin Beverungen
Darstellung von Daten


Data has no form. It is therefore above all the medial communication of data that plays a decisive role. After all, it is only by making data available that it becomes addressable for human observation.

Dr. des. Paul Heinicker
Darstellung von Figuren, die Videos konzipieren und erstellen

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

In this seminar in blended learning format, which included both face-to-face and e-learning units, the students addressed the question of why they chose their field of study and how they can tell others about it in video format using digital storytelling and create their own video.

Ines Gottschalk
gezeichnetes Logo


This website aims to bring the movements of travelers into a virtual environment in order to open up German-Turkish-Ottoman history.

Philipp Goldt, Sebastian Döpp


‘The metaverse’ does not yet exist. It merely exists as many different visions of a future of computing, especially a future that Meta and Mark Zuckerberg would like to shape.

Prof. Dr. Armin Beverungen
Bild mit Laptop

course concept

The module eTutoring is a course in the optional area of the RUB. In the summer semester 2020, it was conducted online. The 3 accompanying colloquia of the module were particularly affected. In these, the eTutors were given smaller eLearning tasks. One meeting took place synchronously via Zoom. I...

Kathrin Braungardt
Dornenkrone, Liebe

self-study course in Moodle

Jesus rose from the dead, he was raised from the dead - this is the basic confession of the Christian faith. How is this faith expressed? Is it an illusion or a reality? What is its theological meaning?

Aleksandra Brand, Miriam Pawlak, Prof. Dr. Thomas Söding
Dornenkrone, Liebe

self-study course in Moodle

Jesus died - No moment of his life is more securely proven, and none is more challenging. Jesus' death "under Pontius Pilate" belongs in the creed because the historical fact has enormous theological significance. This course examines the death of Jesus from different...
Aleksandra Brand, Prof. Dr. Thomas Söding
Do it


Here you will find the presentation slides for the workshop "DO IT YOURSELF: Students shape their teaching through their own learning videos - Sustainable and accessible to all as Open Educational Resources (OER)".

Vanessa van den Bogaert, Michael Fuchs, Christine Ruthenfranz

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

This educational sciences seminar (area "Lehr-/Lernforschung") from WiSe 17/18 offered an understandable introduction to the theories of motivation and interest research. The seminar focused on the question of how motivation can be distinguished from interest.

Vanessa van den Bogaert