Darstellung von Grafik und Rechnung

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

The lecture "Basics of Quantum Mechanics and Statistics" gives an overview of the subject and is supported by interactive elements in the Moodle course.

Dr. Christopher Körber, Dominic Hillenkötter, Henri Huesmann, Ilja Jaroschewski, Nils Conrad, Michael Abolnikov, Hajar Mouqadem, Sven Reibert and Max Ziehfreund
Collage an Bildern zum Thema geologische Exkursionen


As part of a digitally guided geological mapping as a 360° tour, virtual reality experiences with high-resolution 3D models are included alongside images of excursion destinations and rock samples.

Prof. Tobias Backers, Samira Ahmadnia, Dr. Mandy Duda, Julia Godlewska, Marc Sören Ogan, Katharina Neumann, Melanie Hülsmann, Dr. Kirsten Bartmann, Julia Gallas, Carla Werner
Darstellung von Grafik und Rechnung


The poster gives an overview of the concept of a course in physics "Basics of Quantum Mechanics and Statistics".

Dr. Christopher Körber