Handschriftliche Notizen


The video shows how to submit handwritten assignments in Moodle. There will be tips for scanning assignments that are written on paper. It will also show the way to upload these assignments to Moodle. Reference will be made to apps for iOS and Android that can be used for scanning.

Anja Häusler, Magdalena Klasa, Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Banner Erstikurs

self-study course in Moodle

This course is all about e-learning and online activities at the RUB!

Good to have you here! This Moodle course serves as your "digital" introduction to university life. We will show you how to find your way around at our university and which digital media you will be confronted with, so...

Projekt eTeam Digitalisierung für Ruhr-Universität Bochum

self-study course in Moodle

In this course you will find learning resources on selected topics in preparation for your studies. The contents are based on the preparation courses of the Summer University.

Summer University
Fuji Japan

self-study course in Moodle

The start of studies in Japanology should be facilitated by a first insight into the subject matter of the Japanese studies. For this purpose, various self-preparation learning materials were created on selected topics which, from the point of view of Japanologists, are useful for first-year stud...

Summer University