digiLL NRW


Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education: A joint project of the five teacher training centres of the universities of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg-Essen, Cologne and Münster. In general didactic and subject-specific learning modules, teachers and teacher trainees learn a lot about the use...

Professional School of Education


Teaching recharged: the download centre gives  lecturers at Ruhr university the opportunity to get suggestions on all aspects of teaching.

ZFW Hochschuldidaktik


A real cooperation: Prof. Jürgen Handke from Marburg and the RUBeL team explain (soon-to-be) teachers how they can use interactive whiteboards in their lessons in a meaningful and didactically meaningful way. The course is free-of-charge and is offered on oncampus.de, G...

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke & RUBeL-Team