digiLL NRW


Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education: A joint project of the five teacher training centres of the universities of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg-Essen, Cologne and Münster. In general didactic and subject-specific learning modules, teachers and teacher trainees learn a lot about the use...

Professional School of Education
Darstellung Gehirn unter Mikroskop


An image collection of more than 700 histological and pathological samples is made available with content allocation to the various organ systems of the human body.

Konsortium Digital HISTO NRW

self-study course in Moodle

This self-study course is for all who are interested in interactive whiteboards. You can expect learning units with videos and self-checking tests.

Professional School of Education
gezeichnetes Logo


This website aims to bring the movements of travelers into a virtual environment in order to open up German-Turkish-Ottoman history.

Philipp Goldt, Sebastian Döpp

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

This educational sciences seminar (area "Lehr-/Lernforschung") from WiSe 17/18 offered an understandable introduction to the theories of motivation and interest research. The seminar focused on the question of how motivation can be distinguished from interest.

Vanessa van den Bogaert

OpenCourseWare (OCW)

In this OCW course, the structure, organization, and sequence of the course School, School System, and School Reforms from the Perspective of School Pedagogy held in WiSe 2022/2023 will be presented

Dr. Sebastian Boller