
This course is a past course on VR in different application context.

Janou Feikens, Paul Leon Hoffstiepel


Immerse yourself in the realm of pixels and creative programming using JavaScript and p5.js. Explore how art and technology converge within the computer and the potential implications for "post-internet art" and "new aesthetics."

Mace Ojala


EO College is an educational platform specializing in Earth Observation (EO). It offers a comprehensive range of resources and courses designed to educate students, professionals, and enthusiasts about the world of Earth observation.

Henryk Hodam


The ESERO Germany is a joint project of ESA and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The Ruhr-University Bochum and a committed consortium of ten institutions from North Rhine-Westphalia were awarded the contract to set up the ESERO office. The ESERO project develops teaching materials, offers trai...

Christina Nadolsky, Prof. Dr. Andreas Rienow, Frederike Apel


This Moodle course is directed at people interested in creating podcasts in a teaching-learning context. Its contents range from an evaluation of the potential of podcasts to technical requirements and (listening) examples from university teaching.

Anika Meißner, Holger Kahle and Madeleine Landsberg Scherff


Slides for the one-hour short introduction "Hybrid teaching scenarios at the RUB" by the eLearning team RUBeL. Hybrid teaching formats, technology and design are discussed.

Kathrin Braungardt
Mikroskop, Nahaufnahme


The video gives an introduction to the layout and handling of a light microscope as it is used in the basic practical courses of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology at the Ruhr University Bochum.

PD Dr. Minou Nowrousian