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The AI Prompt Lab introduces the technology of "prompting", i.e. the goal-oriented design of input when using speech-generating systems such as ChatGPT. The Prompt Lab is a revised version of the Prompt Lab of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
It is aimed at teachers and students and all interested persons.
The course consists of four parts:
- Introduction
- Recommendations for prompting
- Trying out prompts
- Deeping and reflection
At the end of the prompt lab, participants should be able
- to understand basic concepts and possible applications of prompts.
- reflect on the potentials and challenges of using generative AI and prompts.
- apply and write effective instructional commands (prompts) to achieve specific tasks or teaching/learning scenarios with AI support.
- evaluate and optimize prompts to improve the usefulness and quality of the generated teaching and learning content.
AuthorStefan GöllnerLavinia IonicaMalte Persike
FacultyInformation Science & TechnologyRUBeL (eLearning)
Date of PublicationTue, 07/16/2024 - 10:43 (updated on Tue, 12/17/2024 - 12:08)
Language of the ContentDeutsch