Arriving at School

About this Content OER

The “Arriving at school” module contains materials and tasks for training relevant communication situations for teachers in their first days at a new school.

It focuses on topics such as self-presentation in front of the teaching colleagues and linguistically adequate actions when dealing with unpredictable situations in a new class. In the course of this module, a context-relevant vocabulary is continuously developed and deepened in the form of receptive and productive tasks.


In this unit you will learn:

  • Actively recognize possible conversational situations for getting to know each other for the first time
  • Introduce yourself orally to your colleagues/school
  • Create a profile for a brief introduction
  • Conduct the first introductory conversation with the students in a new class
  • Starting lessons and reacting appropriately to unexpected situations using language
  • Naming objects, rooms and activities in the classroom and outside the classroom
  • Author
    Anja Häusler
    Nasslie Bratzadeh
  • Faculty
  • Format
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:46 (updated on Tue, 10/22/2024 - 10:39)