DigStat - Digital learning units in statistics

About this Content OER

The course is divided into five learning units. Each learning unit consists of digital scripts and STACK exercises.

The first learning unit offers a quick and practical introduction to the statistical software R. You can install R here if you do not have R installed on your computer. We also recommend installing an integrated development environment (IDE), such as RStudio. As an alternative to installation, you can use the web version webR directly in your browser.

The other learning units explain basic statistical methods and procedures, illustrate them with suitable examples and show how to apply them in R. As soon as the basics of R are known, all learning units can be worked on independently of each other, but the chapters within a learning unit build on each other.


The successful completion of the Fundamentals of Statistics with R pursues the following overarching learning objectives:

  • They can describe basic statistical questions, name relevant statistical methods and procedures and apply them to real data sets.
  • You can prepare data from various data sources in R by writing an R script using appropriate commands to perform the subsequent statistical analysis.
  • You will be able to compare different statistical methods for solving a problem by comparing the framework conditions and mathematical model assumptions in order to estimate the corresponding limits of these methods and identify a suitable method for the data set at hand.
  • You will be able to assess the extent to which the use of a statistical method is justified by checking the mathematical model assumptions in a specific data situation in order to critically assess the significance of the results, for example of a study, in terms of statistical literacy.
  • Author
    Herold Dehling
    Michael Kallweit
    Daniel Meißner
    Farhad Razeghpour
    Katrin Rolka
    Roland Fried
    Christina Mathieu
    Axel Bücher
    Kathrin Möllenhoff
    Christian Müller
    Alexander Schnurr
    Susanne Spies
    Riko Kelter
  • Faculty
  • Format
    self-study course in Moodle
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Wed, 01/15/2025 - 17:41 (updated on Tue, 01/28/2025 - 10:42)
  • Language of the Content