The Interdisciplinary summer school is dedicated to a classic and at the same time highly topical subject of interdisciplinary migration, diaspora and development research: remittances, which are transferred between migrants and their transnational families and communities of origin. The aim of the summer school is to introduce students to the often-separated debates on financial, social, and non-material ("intangible") remittances. From a sociological, geographical, developmental, and economic perspective, participants will explore the ambivalent impact of remittances between supporting families and communities, local development and the (re)production of social inequalities.
An integral part of the summer school is the introduction to and production of podcasts. Interdisciplinary teams will work together to create a series of short podcasts on key aspects of remittances. They will receive didactic and technical guidance and support about recording, editing, acquisition of third-party content and copyrights from the ZfW e-team Digitization in a peer-to-peer learning format.

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course concept