About this Content OER
How much forest area is there in a district? How well is a municipality provided with daycare centers? Where might there be gaps in basic medical care? These are all questions that require spatial data to answer. Such geodata is available throughout Germany in the form of basic geodata. In the AFIS-ALKIS-ATKIS data model, this data is organized and made available to users.
The learning module was created in the OER4SDI project
The OER4SDI project aims to develop and publish a collection of CC-licensed teaching materials. These materials are intended for students in study programs such as geoinformatics, geodesy and geomatics. They cover the architecture, implementation and use of spatial data infrastructures, including their conceptual, technical and legal foundations, as well as approaches to development and governance at different levels.
Course content on GitHub
In this short video-based learning unit, this data model is introduced and the opportunity is given to gain initial experience in handling the data.
AuthorDr. Henryk HodamM.Sc. Lars TumJun. Prof. Andreas Rienow
FacultyNatural Sciences
Date of PublicationWed, 04/24/2024 - 14:29 (updated on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 10:47)