Energy storage technologies and applications

About this Content OER

This material is part of the teaching and learning materials of 'OER4EE - Technologien für die Energiewende'.


The Energy Storage Technologies and Applications course is primarily aimed at students on Master's degree programs in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering and similar fields of study.

The following topics are addressed in detail: Fundamentals of energy provision/storage, electrical storage (pumped storage, compressed air storage, supercaps, superconducting magnetic coils, lithium/lead batteries, flow batteries); thermal storage (sensible, latent, etc.); chemical storage (hydrogen, methane, other fluids) and special markets.

The lecturer is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Doetsch (Chair of Cross-Energy Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum - RUB and Director of the Frauenhofer UMSICHT in Oberhausen).

The teaching format is designed as so-called "blended learning", i.e. a mixture of online and classroom teaching with self-learning components. In concrete terms, this means that the lecture is available as a video (.mp4) and lecture slides (.pdf) in German (lecture slides with additional English translation), the exercises are provided as group or individual exercises in presence and Moodle questions are integrated for self-learning and checking understanding.



The lecture provides an application-oriented overview of the entire field of energy storage. Building on the fundamentals of storage and energy systems as well as the role of storage systems in these, three technology areas are covered: electrical storage systems, thermal storage systems and chemical storage systems. In addition, the operation of electrical storage systems in various applications and the techno-economic consideration of these.

  • Author
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Doetsch
  • Faculty
  • Format
    self-study course in Moodle
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Fri, 05/03/2024 - 11:03 (updated on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 09:48)