Journey to modernity

About this Content OER

This website aims to bring the movements of travelers into a virtual environment in order to open up German-Turkish-Ottoman history. This kind of historiography, in which several perspectives from different nations are connected, is also called "Verflechtungsgeschichte". This approach is intended to develop a perspective on the political, social, and cultural lifeworlds of the first half of the 20th century, thus breaking down national-historical narratives. To this end, individual biographies are presented with H5P, through which events, places, and contexts of this interweaving history are revealed.

The 360° tour with the Orient Express offers an initial introduction to the project for users



Interested parties should be able to inform themselves about German-Turkish-Ottoman history, but the main target groups are students and teachers.

The website is designed in such a way that the content can also be used in school lessons.

  • Author
    Philipp Goldt
    Sebastian Döpp
  • Faculty
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Format
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Wed, 04/24/2024 - 13:31 (updated on Wed, 04/24/2024 - 13:33)