digiLL_NRW: digital teaching & learning in schoolteacher education

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Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education: A joint project of the five teacher training centres of the universities of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg-Essen, Cologne and Münster.

  • Here you will find different learning modules with different materials.
  • In general didactic and subject-specific learning modules you will learn a lot about the use of digital media in school lessons.


Information on the use of digital media in school lessons.
The aim of the joint project is to strengthen digital teaching in teacher education by establishing and expanding this network and to expand the media-didactic and pedagogic competencies of students in teacher training, teachers in preparatory service and trained teachers.

Target group: Teacher training students, trainee teachers, teachers


  • various learning modules on the topics:
    • Media competence and didactics
    • as well as digital didactic skills with a view to practical phases of teacher training, among other things
    • Exemplary topics are the use of videos in teaching, mobile learning and subject-specific applications in a foreign language and scientific context.
  • Author
    Professional School of Education
  • Faculty
  • Format
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:37 (updated on Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:39)