Media (everyday) worlds between formal and informal contexts

About this Content

Be it WhatsApp, smartphone or YouTube: Children, young people and adults are increasingly using digital devices, apps and Internet services in their everyday lives. The use of digital media is also increasingly being discussed within formal contexts such as schools and universities. This is because the constant availability of the Internet and mobile technologies offers communication opportunities and access to information everywhere and at all times. This opens up many potentials, but also challenges - not least for teaching and learning. The seminar focuses on the critical reception of research results and publications as well as the development of media pedagogical reference theories.


  • Analyzing and evaluating media offerings and media (everyday) worlds of different target groups on the basis of empirical research results and reflect on their relevance for (their own) pedagogical actions.
  • Determining the dimensions and tasks of media pedagogy, reflecting on media didactic approaches and expanding one's own media competence.
  • Author
    Olga Neuberger
  • Faculty
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Format
  • Licence
  • Date of Publication
    Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:56 (updated on Tue, 04/23/2024 - 14:59)