This course provides a template to help teachers develop their own courses on dimensions, fits and tolerances in engineering design using effective learning content.

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Case study “Application of real options analysis for repowering of wind power plants”
The goal of this case study is to determine the optimal timing for repowering (option to extend) existing wind power plants, based on project specifications, using real options analysis. The solution method for defined type of option will be implemented and solved using Python.

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Case study “Application of real options analysis for investment in energy sector”
The goal of this case study is to determine the optimal timing for investing (option to invest) existing wind power plants, based on project specifications, using real options analysis. The solution method for defined type of option will be implemented and solved using Python.

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Planning of production networks for alternative fuels under uncertainty
In this case study, we will explore the potential of bio-fuels as a renewable energy source under uncertain biomass supply and uncertain demand. We will take an existing model for the supply chain and extend it to account for uncertainties. We will cover the following topics: Understanding a complex bio-fuel supply chain model, extending it for stochastic uncertainties and understanding the value of the extension and accessing the cost of the uncertainties.

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Case study “Selection of optimal power plant generation mix”
In this case study, Markowitz's modern portfolio theory is used to determine the optimal allocation of four power generation technologies (two conventional and two renewable). The linear optimization model for this analysis is implemented and solved using Python.

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Adaptable learning sequence for basic physical and technical training (ALepa)
In this Moodle course you will find interdisciplinary usable learning sequences for the physical-technical basic education in the study programs physics, electrical engineering and related study programs as OER material, which were developed in the project

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Case Study "Novel flexibility options in the German electricity grid"
Germany has stated to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. The electricity sector thereby places a major role. Renewable technologies like solar and wind power produce electricity at low costs, but only provide electricity intermittently. This poses challenges to the grid operation which results in a need for flexibility options. In this case study, the influence of two novel flexibility technologies on the German electricity system in 2045 are examined using the method energy system optimization.

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Case study "Life cycle assessment and multi-criteria evaluation using the example of a wind turbine"
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in electricity generation, the expansion of wind energy is becoming increasingly important. In this case study, the life cycle of a wind turbine in openLCA is analyzed and evaluated. The environmental impact is compared with the German electricity mix and finally evaluated against electricity generation from PV and biomass. Weighting and sensitivity analyses are used to classify the results and derive a recommendation.

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Multi-objective planning of production networks for alternative fuels
In this case study, we explore the potential of bio-fuels as a renewable energy source and analyze the challenges and opportunities in designing a sustainable and economically viable bio-fuel supply chain. We will focus on the modeling and optimization of the supply chain, taking into account the key factors that affect the economic viability and land-use.

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Planning of production networks for alternative fuels
You will learn to set up a suitable MILP model for integrated location, capacity and technology planning for synthetic fuels under abstracting assumptions, to implement it in Python and to solve it using the Gurobi solver, as well as to derive recommendations for action by analyzing the optimization results. You will use the generic OR model of the Warehouse Location Problem and learn to adapt it to a subject-specific model.

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Case Study "Exploring possibilities for decarbonising households’ energy demands"
To mitigate the effects of climate change, renewable energy supply measures are needed not only at national level, but also at personal level. This case study therefore looks at possible investments in renewable electricity supply at the household level. By manually varying input parameters such as investment costs in PV, battery costs and the grid electricity price, students study influences and interactions on the investment and scheduling of the energy system model of a typical household.