This educational sciences seminar (area "Lehr-/Lernforschung") from WiSe 17/18 offered an understandable introduction to the theories of motivation and interest research. The seminar focused on the question of how motivation can be distinguished from interest.

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Collaborative tools in Moodle
Would you like to do more in your Moodle course than just provide texts? Do you want students to be able to work on content together online?
Moodle offers implemented tools that enable collaborative learning and working. Some tools are presented here.

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Innovative learning: the inverted classroom model
In the course of the digitalization of teaching, innovative teaching concepts are increasingly being developed and integrated into university teaching, opening up new opportunities for teaching and learning. This course provides you with information on the Inverted Classroom Model (ICM).

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This learning module is about the diversity of languages and how this is dealt with at school. The first part focuses on the importance of languages for people. With the help of a language silhouette, you can graphically represent the languages you speak and compare them with others.

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Teaching methods
The material is intended to support you in planning and implementing your own lessons. In the form of fact sheets, it presents when the teaching methods can be used well, which materials are required and which objectives are pursued. The practical implementation of the methods is presented in interactive short films. A short reflection is intended to support the use of the method in the classroom.

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digiLL_NRW: Creation of Tutorial Videos
In this module you will see an example of the creation of a video. You will get to know different software, can consider didactic questions and get suggestions on how to use videos in your lessons.
- Duration: The module takes about 60 minutes to complete.
- If you want to learn more about the digiLL_NRW joint project, please click >> here.

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digiLL_NRW: digital teaching & learning in schoolteacher education
Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education: A joint project of the five teacher training centres of the universities of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg-Essen, Cologne and Münster. In general didactic and subject-specific learning modules, teachers and teacher trainees learn a lot about the use of digital media in school lessons.

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digiLL_NRW: Designing teaching and learning processes with digital media
In this module you will learn how different media can be distinguished from each other, what this means for their applications in teaching and learning processes, and which functions they can take on.
This is part of the joint project Digital Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education (digiLL_NRW).