You would like to refresh your basic knowledge in mathematics, chemistry and physics and prepare for the pre-examination in biology? Then you've come to the right place.
The OER4SDI project aims to develop and publish a collection of CC-licensed teaching materials. These materials are intended for students in study programs such as geoinformatics, geodesy and geomatic…
The course explains the use of Docker to deploy and scale applications in geographic information systems (GIS). Docker enables the creation of isolated environments, called containers, that run indepe…
This online course is the result of the presence lecture of the same name offered by the Summer University at the RUB before the start of the semester. If you missed the preliminary course for whateve…
In this module you will learn how different media can be distinguished from each other, what this means for their applications in teaching and learning processes, and which functions they can take on.…
In this module you will see an example of the creation of a video. You will get to know different software, can consider didactic questions and get suggestions on how to use videos in your lessons.Dur…
The "Modern Chinese V" language course at Ruhr-Universität Bochum was redesigned in terms of content and didactics as part of the "Language 4.0 - Digital Skills for China (2022-2023)" project, funded…
Information Science & Technology, Engineering, Natural Sciences
In this Moodle course you will find interdisciplinary usable learning sequences for the physical-technical basic education in the study programs physics, electrical engineering and related study progr…
The DigStat course contains digital learning units on topics that are central components of all basic statistics courses. The target group includes students of mathematics and statistics as well as st…
This unsupervised course offers digital math problems for computer science, science and engineering in higher education. It covers basic topics in linear algebra and calculus, divided into computation…