This course provides a comprehensive introduction to data literacy in the context of Learning Analytics (LA) for teachers. Given the diverse challenges posed by the use of LA, it is important to devel…
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to data literacy in the context of Learning Analytics (LA) for students. Given the diverse challenges posed by the use of LA, it is important to devel…
In the self-study course "MeToo in Science" offered by the Marie Jahoda Center for International Gender Studies, you will get valuable information about sexism, intersectionality, discrimination, and…
This course offers an overview of the development of Buddhist traditions from their beginnings on the Indian subcontinent during the last four centuries before the turn of the millennium to the presen…
The basic course "Modern German Literary Studies" introduces students to the central subject areas of German Studies. The seminar was offered in winter semester 2016/2017 by Dr. Kleinwort and shows ex…
Nowadays, it is practically impossible for media and cultural professionals not to come into contact with platforms. Whether as product platforms such as Spotify or Netflix or as AI-based production p…
Data has no form. It is therefore above all the medial communication of data that plays a decisive role. After all, it is only by making data available that it becomes addressable for human observatio…
‘The metaverse’ does not yet exist. It merely exists as many different visions of a future of computing, especially a future that Meta and Mark Zuckerberg would like to shape.
The accompanying exercise to the basic course in German Medieval Studies offers an introduction to working with Middle High German texts. In addition to providing an insight into various genres, the c…
The teaching research project “Making Jewish perspectives visible” aimed to research and document Jewish life and to prepare the results in the form of freely accessible OER materials (Open Educationa…
Explore creative programming in the web! This OER guides you through fundamental operations of computer programs in JavaScript within the browser's developer console.
Immerse yourself in the realm of pixels and creative programming using JavaScript and p5.js. Explore how art and technology converge within the computer and the potential implications for "post-intern…
In this praxis oriented OER we will use synthesizers, recorders and specialized programming languages for sound (p5.sound, Pure Data) to explore and reproduce familiar sonic phenomena of the…
This educational sciences seminar (area "Lehr-/Lernforschung") from WiSe 17/18 offered an understandable introduction to the theories of motivation and interest research. The seminar focused on the qu…
In this OCW course the lecture Linear Algebra and Geometry II held in SoSe 2017 is presented in structure, construction and sequence. This lecture is one of the four basic lectures that are oblig…
How much forest area is there in a district? How well is a municipality provided with daycare centers? Where might there be gaps in basic medical care? These are all questions that require spatial dat…
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and geospatial data analysis, focusing on urbanisation and sustainable development. The first part explores the impacts…
The goal of the 5x5000 competition each semester is to support innovative e-learning projects at RUB that promote learning. The five winning projects are funded with prize money of 5,000 euros. Projec…
H5P, a function that is integrated into Moodle, specifically offers various options for working interactively with images. In this course, you will receive a brief explanation and a sample view of the…
Information Science & Technology, RUBeL (eLearning)
The AI Prompt Lab introduces the technology of "prompting", i.e. the goal-oriented design of input when using speech-generating systems such as ChatGPT. The Prompt Lab is a revised version of the Prom…
To mitigate the effects of climate change, renewable energy supply measures are needed not only at national level, but also at personal level. This case study therefore looks at possible investments i…
You will learn to set up a suitable MILP model for integrated location, capacity and technology planning for synthetic fuels under abstracting assumptions, to implement it in Python and to solve it us…
In this case study, we explore the potential of bio-fuels as a renewable energy source and analyze the challenges and opportunities in designing a sustainable and economically viable bio-fuel supply c…
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in electricity generation, the expansion of wind energy is becoming increasingly important. In this case study, the life cycle of a wind turbine in openLCA…
Germany has stated to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. The electricity sector thereby places a major role. Renewable technologies like solar and wind power produce electricity at low costs, but onl…
In this case study, Markowitz's modern portfolio theory is used to determine the optimal allocation of four power generation technologies (two conventional and two renewable). The linear optimization…
In this case study, we will explore the potential of bio-fuels as a renewable energy source under uncertain biomass supply and uncertain demand. We will take an existing model for the supply chain and…
The goal of this case study is to determine the optimal timing for investing (option to invest) existing wind power plants, based on project specifications, using real options analysis. The solution m…
The goal of this case study is to determine the optimal timing for repowering (option to extend) existing wind power plants, based on project specifications, using real options analysis. The solution…